
school's out!

Finally my exam end and now's the time for me to take a breath.phewww!
i'm going to post my holiday plan here, just for fun and just for myself. Before that i would like to share a picture. what i've done on my history paper-the very last paper of the examination.
erm... just a random drawing and capturing. =X

here comes my nonsense. I sugest you to click the close button if you're in a hurry. don't wanna waste your time. hehe~


My To eat list:

meat fresh at paragon.(=])

Yogurt at paragon。(=])

TAO at E-gate.(=])

Macaron at strait quey/gurney plaza.(=])

Salad at big tomato.(=])

•night market.
black coffee at coffee bean.
healthy meal at 生命阳光.
Q bean at gurney plaza.

i have these pictures beacause i'd ate these food the day before today. =P
those with (=]) are those which's done.
so i left 5 target to go. >_<

My To do list:
Swim at least twice a week, at leadt an hour everytime.
Sauna after swimming, 45min once.
Yoga, everyday, at least 30min.
gym twice a week, at least 45min.
•play dragon nest sea game, using warrior, up level until 25lv.
•don't spend too much time on Facebook.
•study and do revision, especially additional mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology.
•Read more Chinese book to improve my chinese.
•Try to maintain my weight although it's holiday by doing vigorous exercise.

now is the time for me to relax. this is just a random article, nothing much inside~

that awkward moment when you finish a math problem and your answer isn't even one of the choices.=_=
