
Fall in Love with Stella Voci

Stella Voci is just the choir name.

There are 14 girls who are singing, their leader and best singer of all is Kate Covington/Erutan/katethegreat1­9.

this is the artist that i admire so much,Erutan.

those 14 girls come from different country such as China, USA, Holland, Germany, France, Finland, U.K. and Egypt.

The idea of purely online, international choir is awsome.I hope Stella Voci will continue to produce such beautiful songs, with their beutiful voices.Young girls from seven countries sing in unison from across the world.

i'm a choir member since form3, i hope to have such a beutiful voice like her.
this is 1 of my biggest wish. erm, i'm not pretty enough, not slim and not special. So i hope to have this great voice! trying to be a little bit special in others eyes. Aha...

anyway, now this is just a DREAM that wont come true. But, i just wanna dream it forever, imagine this is my voice, imagine that i can sing like an angel.
everyone have the right to dream.

Well, i always use her songs as my blog's background music.
now, i'm using stella voci's Canon In D as blog's music. hope u all enjoy.

